Matterport 3D Images


With Matterport, On Q creates a truly immersive 3D models through which potential Tenants can navigate and experience a built space as if they were actually there.


Using the power of an AI engine, Matterport’s software can derive fully immersive 3D models from the imagery captured by On Q. This capability is a major step forward in computer vision technology, made possible by Matterport training its machine learning algorithms on the 1.5 million Matterport 3D models created to date. Matterport can also be used to understand objects, rooms and the detailed characteristics of a space, as well as automatically choose well-composed photos and label specific rooms on a floor plan.

On Q will use Matterport to perform a 3D scan of a homeowner’s property in a matter of moments. The cloud software then automatically builds a complete, immersive 3D model of the space using the imagery.

Once the scan is complete and uploaded to the Cloud,  On Q can tag the model with virtual sticky notes to label specific areas with more information. These could include text, photos, videos or external links. The annotated model can then be shared via a link for remote stakeholders to explore the 3D space from the ease of a web browser, convenience of a mobile device or immersive virtual reality headset.

This distinct and exciting imagery can then be used to market the property across numerous platforms. Tenants can explore spaces without ever setting foot in person. Also, a single Matterport scan automatically creates a library of media, including 2D photos, videos, and animated gifs, Schematic floorplans, and OBJ files. This media library sets On Q properties apart from other rentals on the market. 

In fact, Matterport 3D renderings are so accurate On Q can ever provide estimates based on the dimensions of windows, rooms, carpeting, and more.